De Bush-campagne mag zich misschien inhouden wat betreft een aanval op Wesley Clark, dat geldt niet voor rechtse commentatoren, zoals de volgende beschuldiging van de aartsconservatieve Robert Novak, mede-presentator van het schreeuwprogramma Crossfire van CNN (heerlijke show) aantoont:
NOVAK: Congressman Emanuel, I wonder if you're aware that your candidate, General Clark, in 1994, against the wishes of the State Department, met with the Serbian butcher of Srebrenica, General Mladic, took a bottle of brandy from him, exchanged hats, and he wore this butcher's hat while he gave his U.S. Army general's hat to General Mladic? Is that good judgment?
EMANUEL (Democratische afgevaardigde) : Well, I think what is good judgment is that we now know where Milosevic is, the last tyrant in Europe. He's sitting in the Hague getting a trial for what type of human genocide he brought to Europe. And Wes Clark was brought of bringing that...
NOVAK: I've known about it for nine years. Why don't you know about it?
EMANUEL: Robert, I don't think you have to worry about his service to the country and what he's done. […] gepubliceerd door Marc op vrijdag, september 19, 2003 #