De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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donderdag, oktober 09, 2003
Wat moet hij met al dat geld?
Bush heeft een memo geschreven voor zijn fondsenwervers, over wat er wel en niet mag bij het geld inzamelen. Interessante literatuur. De opmerkingen van Washington Wrap er tussendoor zijn van de webrubriek van CBS News:

Question: “Can I use my personal aircraft for campaign business?”
Answer: “No, you may not use your personal aircraft for campaign business. Corporate aircraft may be used, but only if each person boarding the plane pays the equivalent of a first-class airplane ticket.”

[Washington Wrap: Do the buy one ticket and get one free deals apply?]

Question: “Can I have a fund-raising cocktail party for my friends at a private club or hotel and pay for the party?”
Answer: “No. You may have them come to your house and treat them up to $1,000 in expenses per adult in the household without it counting against your $2,000 contribution limit.”

[Washington Wrap: Does the $1,000 in expenses include the cost of the goody bags?]

Question: “Can I use my executive assistant to help with my fund-raising activities?”
Answer: “Any person can volunteer to help. Employees may volunteer a maximum of 1 (one) hour per week during working hours and an unlimited amount outside of the office.”

[Washington Wrap: Does it count if my assistant is working out of the conference room? What about the lobby?]

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004