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woensdag, november 19, 2003
Edwards: Iets is veel beter dan niets
En zo houdt Democraat John Edwards de moed er in, naar aanleiding van peilingen die hem voorgelegd werden door Wolf Blitzer, presentator van Late Edition van CNN:

”Blitzer: In this Gallup poll, you're only at 7 percent nationally as far as registered Democrats' choice for a nominee. In Iowa, as far as the Iowa caucus is concerned, you're at 5 percent, well behind Dick Gephardt and Howard Dean, as you can see on the screen there. And in New Hampshire, the most recent WMUR poll shows you also only at 5 percent, way behind Howard Dean and John Kerry.

Why are you doing so poorly in all these respective polls?

EDWARDS: Oh, I don't think I'm doing poorly. I think I'm doing very well.

First, to put this in historical context, I think in all of those places, including the national polls, if you go back to 1991, when Bill Clinton was running -- who, we all know, won the nomination and became president -- he was actually in worse shape in most, if not all these polls, than I am now.”

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