De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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woensdag, november 19, 2003
Geen medelijden met Kerry
John Kerry heeft zoals bekend het voorbeeld van Howard Dean gevolgd om geen beroep te doen op de publieke fondsen die voor presidentskandidaten beschikbaar zijn, in ruil voor een beperking van te verzamelen donaties. Het maximum onder die regels is 45 miljoen dollar en Kerry heeft beloofd om qua uitgaven niet boven die 45 miljoen uit te komen en hij heeft Dean gevraagd dat ook niet te doen. Maar in noodgevallen kan Kerry terugvallen op meer geld, zo vond het programma Inside Politics van CNN uit:
“Here is what we know, that [Kerry’s] wife's money, the Heinz money, which is estimated at anywhere over $150 million or so, we're told that that money cannot be tapped. There are regulations, there are laws that prohibit tapping that money. She would be restricted as any other donation of some $2,000.

So he would not have access to that money. What he does has access to, though, is anything that they both own jointly. And those numbers are anywhere from $300,000 to $600,000, we're told. Some of that money is from artwork that they both own.

John Kerry himself, though, has some money as well. And once again, we don't have all the numbers, but it's any about from $1.8 million to over $2 million, we've heard. So he does have a little bit of money. His campaign said he wouldn't do this if he didn't have the money, if didn't want to spend all the money. He certainly expects to do that.

And he wants to be able to have the freedom to answer any kind of attack that may come, specifically in New Hampshire. If Dean were to launch an attack there, he wants to be able to spend whatever money he has in order to counter it .”

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004