De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, november 23, 2003
Kritiek op Dean
De economische plannen die Howard Dean vorige week presenteerde, zijn door zijn Democratische concurrenten overladen met kritiek. In de plannen stond een sterke herregulering van industrieën centraal en dat is het mikpunt van de kritiek. Die plannen zouden namelijk leiden tot herinvoering van “big government” en dat had president Clinton nu juist afgeschaft.
Joe Lieberman: "He would give us a treacherous trifecta of policies that turn back the economic clock: new trade barriers, a larger tax burden on our middle class and now bigger bureaucracy. Either he doesn't know how to turn the economy around, or this is another reckless mistake."
Wesley Clark vindt de plannen "a major departure from the proven economic strategy" van de regering-Clinton. "You can't win a general election if you abandon the very proven policies that were the cornerstone of our party's success," voegde Clark toe.
De Dean-campagne reageerde laconiek op de kritiek. Woordvoerder Jay Carson zei: "If Democrats in this race want to side with big corporations over regular people, that's their choice. Howard Dean is going to grow the economy and reestablish the trust of the American people."

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004