Intussen in de Senaat waren de Democraten bezig om te voorkomen dat vier aartsconservatieve Republikeinen werden toegelaten als rechter. De emoties liepen daar soms hoog op, zoals bleek uit de woorden van senator Edward Kennedy:
KENNEDY: This chapter in the effort of our Republican friends of the judicial nominations has ended with these hours of filibuster. But what has not ended is the resolution and the determination of the members of the United States Senate to continue to resist any Neanderthal that is nominated by this president of the United States for any court -- federal court in the United States.
Wat de presentatrice van Inside Politics, Judy Woodruff met enige ironie deed verzuchten:
”So I guess the word "Neanderthal" is a negative term?“
gepubliceerd door Marc op woensdag, november 19, 2003 #