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maandag, december 15, 2003
De Democraten reageren
De Democraten zijn iets minder blij met de arrestatie van Saddam Hussein, hoewel ze dat natuurlijk nooit zullen laten merken. Ik denk overigens dat de stijging die president Bush nu ongetwijfeld in de peilingen zal zien, ook wel weer zal terugvallen. Dat zal zeker gebeuren wanneer de fanatieke Saddam-aanhang aanslagen blijft plegen. Dit wat betreft het koffiedik kijken.
Hier wat reacties van Democraten, die allemaal de troepen feliciteren met de arrestatie, niet president Bush.

Howard Dean: "I congratulate our troops on capturing Saddam Hussein. He's a bad person and we're all better off with him in captivity, but you should know that my views on Iraq have not changed one bit."

Joe Lieberman, zuur: "The fact is that if Howard Dean had his way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power today, not in prison."

Dick Gephardt: "I supported this effort in Iraq without regard for the political consequences because it was the right thing to do. I still feel that way now and today is a major step toward stabilizing Iraq and building a new democracy."

Wesley Clark: "It seems to me that all of the concerns that I have voiced about Iraq remain. I stand by every concern."

John Kerry: "I believe the capture of Saddam Hussein is helpful and it's a great moment, but it's a moment. It is not the central part of the war on terror. We need a president who understands the real war on terror is not Iraq. It's al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and it's America's role in the world, which right now is creating more terrorists and making us less safe."

John Edwards: "The president should have already brought international friends and allies into the process — that would have helped it move faster."

Carol Moseley Braun: "[it] does not change the fact that our troops remain in harm's way and we are no closer to bringing them home."

Al Sharpton (ook namens Dennis Kucinich): “[Saddam's arrest] is all the more reason this war should come to an immediate end."

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004