De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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vrijdag, december 05, 2003
Show me the money
Ook president Bush (of iemand die zeer op hem lijkt) maakte zijn opwachting in de Tonight Show van Jay Leno, zij het voor maar heel even:

JAY LENO, "TONIGHT SHOW" HOST: What are you doing here? "

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES": Jay, I tell you, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to stop by and say hello to you, mingle with the folks, shake some hands. I tell you -- you know me. I love fund raisers.

LENO: Hold it. All due respect, Mr. President, this is not a fund raiser. This is the "Tonight Show" audience.

"BUSH": These folks didn't pay five grand apiece to get in here.

LENO: No, sir, they did not.

"BUSH": I'm outta here.

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004