De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zaterdag, januari 03, 2004
Onderweg met Dean
Reena Singh van ABC News volgt Howard Dean on the road en interviewde hem. Wat citaten:

Singh: If you go into this election facing a president with a high approval rating, with the economy … turning around, and people still for the most part think[ing] he is doing OK with the war and … $200 million in his bank account, how do you fight that?"
Dean: Well, first of all, we think we're the only campaign that can match that $200 million. We're going to get 2 million people to give us $100 and I think there are probably 2 million people that would part with a one-way ticket to Crawford, Texas. Collectively we can do that. Secondly, I think that political campaigns are not just about saying whatever it takes to win, which is what most Washington folks like to do. I think political campaigns are about building a consensus for a different agenda. If you don't talk about the agenda you never get it. I think we can get it by laying out a positive agenda, by pointing out many of the things that the president has said and were not true. Perfect example: cutting off unemployment benefits for people who have run out of their unemployment during the week of Christmas. That's kind of the hallmark of what I see as the Bush administration philosophy about ordinary Americans. And I think there are a lot of people out there who agree with me.


Singh: When can we see Al Gore campaigning with you?
Dean: I don't have the answer to that.
Singh: But you do expect to see him out there campaigning?
Dean: If the schedules work out, then yes.

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