De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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dinsdag, januari 06, 2004
Het internettijdschrift Slate is weer diep gedoken in het laatste debat tussen de Democratische kandidaten in Iowa. Zij deelden virtuele prijzen uit in een aantal categorieën, waaronder:

Slechtste vraag
Moderator Paul Anger to Kucinich: "Given your personal decision not to consume animal products, how can you assure livestock producers you will be an advocate for them as president?" (Hypothetical follow-up to Lieberman: "Given your personal decision not to accept Jesus as your savior, how can you assure Christians you will be an advocate for them as president?")

Beste vraag
[Panellid] Norris to Dean: "A hallmark of your campaign has been the pledge to repeal the Bush tax cuts across the board. Does this include tax cuts that are intended to provide some measure of relief for the middle class--the child tax credit or the lifting of the marriage penalty? And specifically, what kind of tax relief are you proposing for middle-class and working-class families?"

Dapperste antwoord
[Panellid] Anger: "How do you ensure national security if you succeed in your plan to cut the defense budget by 10 percent?" Kucinich: "Well, actually, I called for the defense budget to be cut by 15 percent."

Beste antwoord
[Panelist] David Yepsen: "I talked to a lot of Democrats who say they really like what you have to say, but they don't think you're electable." Kucinich: "Well, you know, I'm electable if you vote for me."

Meest verrassende openheid
John Edwards: "Everybody on this stage is talking about spending money. They're talking about spending money on education. They're talking, in varying degrees, about spending money on health care. … There is a tension between spending money and reducing the federal deficit."

Beste excuus
Howard Dean on why he won't unseal all his gubernatorial records: "If somebody is gay and they write me that, and they don't care to have that information disclosed to the public, that's their right."

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004