Democraat en dominee Jesse Jackson was op bezoek bij CNN’s Crossfire. Het onderwerp van de show was kandidaten en hun geloof. Het gesprek kwam op de religieuze positie van Howard Dean, Democratisch kandidaat:
(Medepresentator) TUCKER CARLSON: […] I want to get -- this is exactly what Howard Dean said, part of the quote, in any case -- quote -- "From a religious point of view, if God had thought homosexuality was a sin, he would not have created gay people."
OK, fair enough. But if God created gay people, why doesn't God want them to get married?
(Dominee) JESSE JACKSON: Well, why?
(LAUGHTER) JACKSON: What is your point?
CARLSON: You tell me. I'm not a Democrat. I'm just telling you what Howard Dean says. Why doesn't God want...
JACKSON: Well, I think that we do live under a Constitution, not under a Bible. And there are certain constitutional rights all Americans have. Some do not accept the biblical ethos, but they accept their constitutional rights.
And we do live under the Constitution. We live within our faith, but we live under the Constitution.
And, as a head of state, one must enforce the Constitution, not enforce the Bible.
Game, set en match voor dominee Jackson.
gepubliceerd door Marc op zondag, januari 11, 2004 #