Speciaal voor Frans Verhagen: dumpt president Bush vice-president Dick Cheney van het Republikeinse ticket? Frans geeft die bewering een goede kans. De belangrijkste campagnestrateeg van Bush-Cheney, Matthew Dowd, weet het zo net nog niet:
Dowd: The president has already said that he wants the vice president to be on the ticket. The vice president has said he looks forward to the race. I think that there's a lot of speculation by a lot of folks who were trying to figure out ways to make news. I don't expect a change. The president is comfortable, and so is the vice president.
USA Today: So is that a firm no?
Dowd: As far as today, it's as firm a no as you can give in politics. I think the president is fine with it. I think all of it is speculation that goes on outside of everybody involved in the campaign and the White House.
gepubliceerd door Marc op woensdag, februari 04, 2004 #