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maandag, februari 16, 2004
Democraten slaan terug
Gastheer Bob Novak van CNN’s Crossfire praat zich een beetje vast wanneer hij de videospot van de Republikeinen (over John Kerry die geld aanneemt van lobbyisten) laat zien aan Ann Lewis, van het Democratische Women’s Vote Center:

NOVAK: It's only February, but, already, the Republicans are out with a terrific ad. And I want you to take a look at it.


UNIDENTIFIED ACTRESS: More special interest money than any other senator? How much? Whoa. For what? Nominations and donations coincided. Wait. Watchdog groups. Facts. Kerry, brought to you by the special interests, millions from executives at HMOs, telecoms, drug companies. Caching. Unprincipled?


NOVAK: Isn't that delicious?


NOVAK: That you people have been demagoguing about special interests, and, bang, you get it right in the yap.

LEWIS: Boy, I think it's delicious, too. Can I say that we now have bipartisan agreement that who is doing what for the special interests should be a serious issue in this campaign?

It is, after all, George Bush who took $1.4 million from the drug companies. And what did they get? They get a Medicare prescription bill that forbids the government from negotiating with drug companies to lower drug prices. It is the oil companies that gave $1 million to George Bush. And what do they get? They get an administration who's just determined to drill in ANWR.

Now, of course, Halliburton got, it sounds like, a really good deal. They gave only, oh, less than $20,000, almost $20,000 to George Bush in 2000. And what do they get? Billion dollar no-bid contracts.


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