De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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woensdag, februari 04, 2004
Meningen: Hillary en Bush
Drie experts geven hun mening aan USA Today: Matthew Dowd, campagnestrateeg van Bush, Donna Brazile, voormalig campagnemanager van Al Gore in 2000 en Stuart Rothenberg, hoofdredacteur en uitgever van het neutrale Rothenberg Political Report.
Over Hillary Rodham Clinton
Rothenberg: Is she running in 2008? Absolutely. She knows she needs to wait. She knows she can build up her own credentials a little bit more. And she knows if George Bush wins re-election, that 2008 will be a very nice Democratic year.
But if a Democrat wins in 2004, it will turn all of her political calculations on their head.
Brazile: I believe that Hillary Clinton would make a great president. But I don't believe her time will come until 2012. That's after a Democrat wins this term and wins re-election in 2008. Hillary may in fact be the first female president. She's very well-prepared. She has a huge national following.
She is still, by the way, the most admired woman in America today, despite all of the negativity and some of the cheap shots that come her way.

Will Bush win?
USA Today: What are the odds of George Bush being re-elected in November?
Rothenberg: 52%.
Brazile: 50%.
Dowd: 100%, but in a tight race.

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