De National Journal heeft John Kerry gekroond tot opper-"Liberal" van de senaat in 2003. Men heeft naar zijn stemgedrag van vorig jaar gekeken en geconcludeerd dat hij op de meeste gebieden het meest linkse (linkste?) geluid liet horen. John Edwards werd overigens knap vierde.
Het tijdschrift schrijft: "To be sure, Kerry's ranking as the No. 1 Senate liberal in 2003 -- and his earning of similar honors three times during his first term, from 1985 to 1990 -- will probably have opposition researchers licking their chops. […] Kerry had a perfect liberal rating on social issues during 10 of the 18 years in which he received a score, meaning that he did not side with conservatives on a single vote in those years. That included his 1996 vote […] against the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibited federal recognition of states' same-sex marriage laws. Along the campaign trail, Republicans likely will remind voters of Kerry's stance on that issue."
gepubliceerd door Marc op woensdag, maart 03, 2004 #