De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zaterdag, maart 06, 2004
Lachen om het circus
NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno":
"Today John Edwards finally stopped smiling. As you know John Kerry won Super Tuesday, making this of course anticlimactic Wednesday."
"Well, Kerry is well on his way to reaching his magic number of 2,162. That's the total number of Democratic delegates he needs to win the nomination. President Bush is different. His magic number is 5. That's the number of Supreme Court judges needed to win."
"John Kerry has already begun his search for a running mate. They say that because John Edwards still has $50 million in campaign money Kerry might pick him. Pick him, hey, for 50 million Kerry will marry him."
"And Howard Dean won Vermont last night even though he quit the campaign two weeks ago. He said, think how many states I could have won if I'd quit sooner. If I'd quit in July I could have been president now."

CBS' "The Late Show with David Letterman":
"George Bush calls John Kerry to congratulate him on winning the big Super Tuesday and being the democratic candidate. Bush is shrewd. While he had Kerry on the phone he also got a $1,000 campaign contribution out of him."

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