De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, maart 07, 2004
Lachen om het circus
NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno":
"I watched the other night, John Kerry supporters were holding a big victory party. And they showed John Kerry and Ted Kennedy speaking to them on a giant screen. Then I realized it wasn't a giant screen. It was just John Kerry's head and Ted Kennedy's head. It just looked like a giant screen."

"As you know John Edwards based his campaign in the fact that there are two Americas -- one for the wealthy and one for everyone else. And after his speech he thanked everyone else and went back to the America for the wealthy."

"Actually, Edwards officially dropped out of the race yesterday. I love it how candidates always have to make it official when they drop out. We know they lost. When a team loses the Super Bowl they don't hold a press conference the next day. OK we're going to announce now, it's official, we lost. We know you lost. We were there."

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004