In Meet the Press van NBC waren Mary Matalin, Republikeins campagnevoerster en haar man James Carville, Democratisch campagnevoerder te gast. Als gespreksonderp kwam op tafel de kandidatuur van Ralph Nader.
MR. RUSSERT: Mary Matalin, do you love having Ralph Nader out there?
MS. MATALIN: No, to quote my husband, he's, like, last year's calendar. He's not going to get 6 percent. He's not going to have any effect in this race. More interesting are those polls, though, that Kerry at a virtual tie with President Bush after the best five weeks he's going to have coming out of this primary unassaulted, basically. So, to be unassaulted, coming out of the primary and all the Bush-bashing that they did in the course of that primary, to be tied with the president at this point, says something about this race.
De Democraten staan dus niet alleen in hun afkeer van Nader.
gepubliceerd door Marc op vrijdag, maart 19, 2004 #