De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, maart 21, 2004
Politiek consultant-koppel voorspelt uitslag
Tim Russert van Meet the Press vroeg zijn gasten James Carville en Mary Matalin ook wie er zou gaan winnen in november en met hoeveel procent:

MR. RUSSERT: Give me your percentage prediction, Kerry, Bush, Nader.
MR. CARVILLE: I think that Kerry's going to get 52 percent. Democrats and...
MR. RUSSERT: And Bush what? MR. CARVILLE: Fifty-two--47 percent.
MR. RUSSERT: And one for Nader?
MR. CARVILLE: One for Nader.
MR. RUSSERT: Mary Matalin.
MS. MATALIN: Oh, we're going to win and we're going to win for the right reasons.
MR. RUSSERT: Give me a percent.
MS. MATALIN: I'm not giving you a percent. We're going to win a majority of the electoral votes and it's...
MR. RUSSERT: Who's going to carry Florida?
MS. MATALIN: We are, just like we did last time, by 1,665 votes.

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