De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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maandag, maart 08, 2004
Wat hebben we geleerd?
Lessen uit de campagne tot nu toe. CBS News keek naar de afgelopen maanden en probeerde uit te vinden of er uit die periode iets te leren was. En inderdaad, dat was er:
1.When a former vice president and the highest vote getter in U.S. history appears in a hot tub on "Saturday Night Live," don't be shocked when he announces the next day that he is not running again for president.
2. Conversely, when an Austrian-born bodybuilder and movie star says he will announce his political intentions on the Jay Leno show, assume that means he's running.
3. When your candidate who was supposed to win comes in third in Iowa, suggest that he accept defeat graciously and refrain from going on stage acting like he just won the lottery.
4. When a campaign manager starts getting more and better press than the candidate, assume that he's on his way out.
5. When a campaign manager is dumped, assume he'll land on his feet or at least on cable TV.
6. When the candidate's wife bankrolls the campaign, expect that she gets to speak whenever she wants.
7. When the former president of the United States says that a general who is not a Democrat and has never run for office is one of two stars in the Democratic Party, suggest that he go back and finish his book.
8. When a candidate's mother turns against him and tells the L.A. Times that her Joey "is such a good man. I don't know why he didn't catch on," it's time to turn off the lights.
9. When running a contest to "get a date with Dennis Kucinich" is the biggest draw on your Web site, you need to reassess your cyber strategy.
10. When John Zogby releases a poll, assume it could change dramatically overnight.
11. When Al Sharpton is late for an event, assume that the sun rises in the east.
12. When Dick Cheney goes to a disclosed location, assume he'll come back with a lot of campaign cash.
13. When every Washington insider picks the same candidate, bet everything you have on someone else.
14. When a losing campaign puts out a schedule for the next day, assume it will be scrubbed and that they'll wind up in the candidate's hometown.
15. When you propose a debate that’s a free-for-all, assume it will be.
Nog acht maanden, dus nog heel veel kans op nieuwe wijze lessen.

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