De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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vrijdag, april 02, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Late Show with David Letterman":
"John Kerry had shoulder surgery, but he didn't have any anesthesia. He just listened to one of his speeches. Zzzz."
"The former vice president Al Gore has purchased his own cable television channel ... he says it will be a lot like C-Span but less exciting.

"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno":
"Not only will Condoleeza Rice testify before the 9-11 commission, but President Bush has also agreed to meet with the entire commission, but he said he will have Dick Cheney there with him. Why does President Bush have to have Cheney with him? What, does he have like a learner's permit to be president? He has to have an adult with him?"

"John Kerry had surgery on his shoulder. Actually, when he showed up, out of force of habit the doctor gave him a Botox shot. There was one scary moment during John Kerry's operation. The hospital transfusion room ran out of blue blood."
"Vice President Cheney has criticized this Richard Clarke guy, he's the former White House chief coordinator for anti-terrorism. He said he was 'out of the loop'. Shouldn't the Bush administration put their chief anti-terrorism coordinator IN the loop? Shouldn't that guy BE the loop?

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