In de memoires van Bill Clinton (My Life. Al veel teveel aandacht gekregen) wordt John Kerry op zeven pagina's genoemd. Dat is handig, want dan kan Clinton tijdens zijn boekpromotietoer op natuurlijke wijze ("Kijk, het staat in mijn boek") aandacht besteden aan de kandidatuur van Kerry. Een passage lijkt er speciaal ingeschreven voor de verkiezingen: "I went to Boston for a fund-raiser for Senator John Kerry, who was up for reelection and would likely face a tough opponent in Governor Bill Weld," Clinton wrote about the 1996 Senate race in Massachusetts. "I had a good relationship with Weld, perhaps the most progressive of all the Republican governors, but I didn't want to lose Kerry in the Senate. He was one of the Senate's leading authorities on the environment and high technology. He had also devoted an extraordinary amount of time to the problem of youth violence, an issue he had cared about since his days as a prosecutor. Caring about an issue in which there are no votes today but which will have a big impact on the future is a very good quality in a politician."
Alsof Kerry die pagina gesponsord heeft.
gepubliceerd door Marc op woensdag, juni 30, 2004 #