De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zaterdag, juni 05, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"President Bush has been campaigning around the country and today the crowd got so pumped up they started chanting, 'Four more wars, four more wars.'" —Craig Kilborn

"President Bush is leaving Washington for a long vacation. I'm sorry that's November's joke." —Craig Kilborn

"President Bush announced that the Abu Ghraib prison will be closed. Another place Bush put out of business." —Jay Leno

"John Kerry has a new campaign slogan, 'A mind is a terrible thing to change all the time.'" —Jay Leno

"This election is shaping up great. Our choices are a guy who always has seconds thoughts or a guy who's never had a first thought." —Jay Leno

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004