De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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woensdag, juli 14, 2004
Interview Kerry-Edwards en aanhang
Afgelopen weekend mochten John Kerry en Edwards, en later hun echtgenotes, op komen draven in het interviewprogramma 60 Minutes van CBS. De highlights van het interview vindt u hier.
Een voorproefje zijn de antwoorden van Teresa Heinz Kerry en Elizabeth Edwards op de volgende vraag van de interviewster: "One of the Republican attack lines is that you all are all mega-millionaires who are running on economic populism." (Nou ja vraag, meer een stelling).
Heinz Kerry: "Is this coming from millionaire George Bush? And millionaire Dick Cheney? And millionaire Rumsfeld? And all the rest. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life."
"Can I say something? First of all, those very same people never criticized my late husband for his money or his wealth. In fact, they used it - and his money was just dandy."
"Secondly, I find it un-American for people to criticize someone and say they're not deserved for any position whether because they have too much or too little, or because they're black or they're white. That's un-American."
Elizabeth Edwards voegt toe: "I just want to say one thing and this is that these two men voted against tax cuts that would have benefited them."

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004