De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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dinsdag, juli 27, 2004
Jenna en Barbara chatten er op los
De tweelingdochters van president Bush, Jenna en Barbara, hebben ter ondersteuning van de campagne van hun vader deelgenomen aan een online chat. Zoals te verwachten geen kwaad woord over hun vader:
"He is definitely an extremely busy man, but he still finds plenty of time to devote to us,"
"Two months after September 11, when our father and our country were dealing with a huge national tragedy, he still found time to throw us a party for our 20th birthday."
"He always keeps us and our mom laughing."
"I went to my first rally with my dad two weeks ago in Michigan and was completely floored by the event. As I sat on stage waiting for my dad to deliver his remarks, I was so overcome by the unbelievable excitement in the room, watching so many people yell and chant for my father, I could not help but get tears in my eyes."
"We understand that young people are already very busy with schoolwork, friends, athletics, and hanging out, but it is so important that you and all of your friends are registered to vote and do vote," they wrote. "Participating in elections is one of the most important and easiest ways we can positively change our future."
Voor de echte fans: de Bush-dochters zijn te bezichtigen in Athene tijdens de Olympische spleen. De kans dat je daar door de beveiliging slipt is overigens nul.

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004