De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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vrijdag, juli 16, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Imagine if they delay the election. This could mean that Bush would be the longest serving president never to get elected." —Jay Leno
"Here's something shocking according to the latest issue of Newsweek magazine: The Bush administration officials are reviewing a proposal that would allow for the postponement of the presidential election in the event of a catastrophe. You know, like Kerry winning." —Jay Leno
"I love that the Department of Homeland Security always tells Americans if you don't fly commercial airlines, 'the terrorists have won.' If you don't hold the Super Bowl or the World Series, 'the terrorists have won.' If you don't get out to the mall and do your Christmas shopping, 'the terrorists have won.' Comes time for the election, 'Oh, let the terrorists have that one.'" —Jay Leno
"President Reagan's son Ron Reagan is going to be a featured speaker at the Democratic convention. President Bush says he is not worried. He said, 'Who wants to listen to the son of a former president speak at a convention?'" —Jay Leno
"Have you been watching Kerry and Edwards on the campaign trial? These guys have done more hugging in four days than Bill and Hillary have done in 26 years." —Jay Leno
"Kerry is hoping that Edwards will bring in a lot of the female vote because of the way he looks. So Cheney and Edwards are both going after voter's hearts but Cheney is looking for a donor." —Jay Leno
"Last night at a Democratic fundraiser concert, John Kerry played guitar while everyone on stage sang 'This Land Is Your Land.' Then Kerry admitted that much of this land is owned by his wife." —Conan O'Brien
"The big story in Washington is that the Bush administration is desperate to find Osama bin Laden before the election. They are said to be using all means possible to find him. In fact today they typed his name into Google, which is a start." —Jay Leno
"John Kerry says that John Edwards is ready to be vice president. Ready? It takes a blue suit and pulse to be ready! And we know that Dick Cheney proved that you don't even need the pulse." —Jay Leno

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004