De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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dinsdag, juli 27, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"As you know the presidential conventions are coming up. You know how much time the major networks are going to devote to convention coverage? Three hours. Three hours total. One hour a night for three nights to pick a president. That's about one-tenth of the time we devote to finding an 'American Idol.'" —Jay Leno
"Campaigning in Iowa yesterday President Bush vowed he will not raise taxes in the next four years. He said I believe it is hard, very difficult to raise taxes when you are not president." —Craig Kilborn
"The Bush administration announced this week they want to lift the ban on logging. This is part of their No Tree Left Behind program." —Jay Leno
"The Bush twins are going online to do an online chat on the Bush re-election website. It's the first chat line in history where two people claiming to be attractive 22-year-old twins are actually attractive 22-year-old twins." —Jay Leno
"White House officials tried to talk to Cheney about softening his image, but have been told never to interrupt him when he's yelling at puppies." —Craig Kilborn
"In an interview with ESPN magazine John Kerry said he learned about life by playing sports. Want to know the most frustrating thing about playing sports for Kerry? Finding a helmet that fits." —Jay Leno

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