De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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dinsdag, augustus 31, 2004
Giuliani: "We choose a leader"
Oud-burgemeester Rudy Giuliani begon, hoe kan het anders, met het prijzen van het daadkrachtig optreden van president Bush vlak na 11 september. Hij had beloofd dat de daders nog van de Amerikanen zouden horen. En inderdaad: "They have heard from us! They heard from us in Afghanistan and we removed the Taliban. They heard from us in Iraq and we ended Saddam Hussein's reign of terror. They heard from us in Libya and without firing a shot Qadhafi abandoned weapons of mass destruction. They are hearing from us in nations that are now more reluctant to sponsor terrorists. So long as George Bush is President, is there any doubt they will continue to hear from us until we defeat global terrorism."
Daarna klonk weer de gematigde toon. De toon waarmee de Republikeinen via deze conventie proberen de onafhankelijke kiezers over de streep te trekken om toch weer op president Bush te stemmen: "I don't believe we're right about everything and Democrats are wrong about everything. Neither party has a monopoly on virtue. But I do believe that there are times in our history when our ideas are more necessary and important for what we are facing. There are times when leadership is the most important."
Giuliani, op 11 september de meest daadkrachtige burgemeester die er was, sprak lang over die dag, en koppelde er meteen zijn rotsvaste vertrouwen aan vast dat Bush een tweede termijn verdient: "At the time, we believed we would be attacked many more times that day and in the days that followed. Spontaneously, I grabbed the arm of then Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and said to Bernie, 'Thank God George Bush is our President.' […] We need George Bush now more than ever."
En verder: "The President announced the Bush Doctrine when he said: "Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
And since September 11th President Bush has remained rock solid. It doesn't matter how he is demonized. It doesn't matter what the media does to ridicule him or misinterpret him or defeat him. They ridiculed Winston Churchill. They belittled Ronald Reagan.
But like President Bush, they were optimists; leaders must be optimists. Their vision was beyond the present and set on a future of real peace and true freedom. Some call it stubbornness. I call it principled leadership. President Bush has the courage of his convictions. In choosing a President, we really don't choose a Republican or Democrat, a conservative or liberal. We choose a leader."
Daarna de aanval op John Kerry: "My point about John Kerry being inconsistent is best described in his own words when he said, "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." Maybe this explains John Edwards' need for two Americas - - one where John Kerry can vote for something and another where he can vote against the same thing."
En: "John Kerry's record of inconsistent positions on combatting terrorism gives us no confidence he'll pursue such a determined course." Of deze: "John Kerry's claim that certain foreign leaders who opposed our removal of Saddam Hussein prefer him, raises the risk that he would accommodate his position to their viewpoint."
Maar daarna in crescendo naar de finale van de toespraak, eindigend met: "God bless each one we have lost, here and abroad, and their families. God bless all those defending our freedom. God bless America." Luid applaus.

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004