De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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woensdag, augustus 25, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"The road to the White House turned muddy over the weekend as the Kerry campaign charged that the president is behind negative ads that attack Kerry's record in Vietnam. To be fair President Bush did criticize the ads saying they were too short." --Craig Kilborn
"The Bush campaign has denied involvement in the Swift Boat ad saying that the president has spent his entire life avoiding anything having to do with Vietnam." --Craig Kilborn
"Kerry said the ads hurt him deeply and emotionally then asked, 'Does that make me eligible for any kind of medal?'" --Craig Kilborn
"The Republicans are in town and they're going to be in town doing two things — slander John Kerry and try to get laid. " --David Letterman
"President Bush is sending aid to Florida after the hurricane. Not to help the people but to fix the crooked voting machines." --David Letterman

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004