De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, augustus 29, 2004
Protesteren in New York
Een van mijn lezers volgt momenteel college op NYU, New York University. Handig, want dan zit hij bovenop de Republikeinse conventie, maar NYU heeft hem en de andere internationale studenten toch maar even gewaarschuwd voor wat er tijdens de conventie kan gebeuren. Better safe than sorry.
Vooral meedemonstreren wordt buitenlanders niet aangeraden:

Some students may consider whether or not to join the many demonstrations that will be held during the Convention. Foreign students are advised to think through carefully if they wish to participate. The overall environment in the U.S. is increasingly strict with regard to monitoring and limiting civil liberties, such as protest, due to national security concerns. Engaging in legal demonstrations is not prohibited; however, should a situation escalate to a matter such as civil disobedience, there could be immigration consequences if a student is arrested.

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