De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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donderdag, september 02, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Tonight was the opening night of the Republican convention and the theme for this year's convention is building a more hopeful ... ah, who cares." --David Letterman
"President Bush now says the problems we're having in Iraq are because we won the war too quickly. He says the war was 'a catastrophic success.' He's also calling the economy a 'disastrous achievement.'" --Jay Leno
"The Republican Convention goes on all week, and of course, the highlight will be toward the end of the week. George Bush will show up for one day, you know, just like he did in the National Guard." --David Letterman
"The Republican Convention opened up here the other day in New York City. Over the weekend with the Republicans in town it was just like the sixties. The air was full of tear gas and weed. ... Great times in New York City -- we got the protesters, we got the riot police, we got the bomb sniffing dogs. I mean, where do you folks go next, Najaf?" --David Letterman
"If you are planning on going to the convention, even if you are a delegate, you're going to get frisked, you're going to get patted down, you're going to get groped, and that's just by Arnold Schwarzenegger." --David Letterman
"The latest issue of GQ magazine, John Kerry talks about what a man should look for in a woman. GQ? If John Kerry is going to talk about what he likes in a woman, shouldn't it be in Fortune or Money magazine?" --Jay Leno
"Our USA team ended up winning 103 medals, although I understand today, a group of Vietnam swift boat veterans came forward to say that a lot of the athletes really didn't earn all their medals." --Jay Leno
"Good news today for Florida -- they've just selected the observers who will work on Election Day to make sure the votes are counted fairly. The bad news -- it's the Olympic gymnastic judges." --Jay Leno
"Scary moment for Dick Cheney. He was on Air Force 2 when a small plane came towards them. Air Force 2 had to take emergency action to avoid hitting it. For a minute there, George Bush was this close to becoming acting president." --Jay Leno

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