De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, september 05, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Tonight at the Republican National Convention, in what was called the biggest speech of his career, President Bush took on his enemy, the English language." --Jay Leno
"George Bush accepted the nomination and promised that if he's re-elected he promised to start reading memos. That's a good sign." --David Letterman
"Now that Bush has accepted the nomination the next step, of course, is the rigging of the voting machines." --David Letterman
"In his speech tonight, President Bush said that America should create an ownership society. For example, if you're homeless, buy a home. Don't have a job? Buy a company, give yourself a job. These are simple solutions." --Jay Leno
"Speaking about President Bush last night, Zell Miller said, 'I have knocked on the door of this man's soul and found someone home.' See, he originally tried to knock on the soul of Dick Cheney, but it had already been sold to the oil companies. So, he went to the president instead." --Jay Leno
"The Republicans really went after John Kerry. In fact, Kerry took so many shots he got two more purple hearts." --Jay Leno
"Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a terrific speech last night. See, that's where the Republicans are really smart. They don't want to portray themselves as the right-wing party so they bring in an actor to play the moderate." --Jay Leno
"Two woman protestors outside of Madison Square Garden tonight tried to avoid being arrested by taking off their tops in front of the police. They were topless. Bright idea, wrong convention. Should have been in Boston last month sweetheart." --Jay Leno
"John Kerry was on vacation in Nantucket this week. When President Bush heard that he was taking a vacation with the country at war, the economy in trouble and security at high alert, he said, 'Wow! Maybe he really is presidential.'" --Jay Leno
"Dick Cheney showed his gentle side, he flashed his warm sneer." --Jay Leno
"Republicans went from Arnold Schwarzenegger last night to Dick Cheney tonight. It's like, Arnold's like the picture in the dating service ad, and Dick's the guy who shows up." --Jay Leno

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