De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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donderdag, september 09, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"In a shocking new book by Kitty Kelley, acquaintances of President Bush say that when he was in the National Guard that he liked to sneak out back for a joint or go in the bathroom and do cocaine. Isn't that unbelievable? They actually found people who saw Bush in the National Guard." --Jay Leno

"That's quite a claim that Bush did coke and marijuana. You know who's going to get hurt by this? John Kerry. This means Bush could now carry California." --Jay Leno

"Since the Republican National Convention, Kerry has been slipping in the polls. I think he's lost his confidence -- all week he's been telling people it's an honor just to be nominated." --David Letterman

"They said Bush is ahead in a lot of issues like Iraq, terrorism and the economy, but Kerry is ahead in grammar, pronunciation and overall nuance." --Jay Leno

"John Kerry called Bill Clinton Saturday night at the hospital and they say that Clinton talked to Kerry for 90 minutes, giving him advice. Clinton reportedly told Kerry to stop talking about Vietnam -- not during the campaign, on the phone." --Jay Leno

"John Kerry has a new theme to his campaign. He says the 'W' in George W. Bush stands for 'wrong', the wrong direction, the wrong policy. Gee, I wonder if President Bush is going to say the 'F' in John F. Kerry stands for 'flip-flop.' What, are they running for the president of the 8th grade? Shut up! Actually, Bush got the last laugh, he said, hey, everybody knows 'wrong' starts with the letter 'R.'" --Jay Leno

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