De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zaterdag, september 25, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"It looks like President Bush and John Kerry have agreed on three debates. Kerry wanted more but Bush said no; he thought three was a good even number." --Jay Leno
"President Bush gave a speech at the United Nations. I don't want to say it was a hostile crowd, but they had Bush stand behind a screen made of chicken wire." --Jay Leno
"At one point, Bush said, 'We are determined to destroy terror networks wherever they operate.' Although by 'terror network,' it's not clear if he meant al Qaeda or CBS." --Jay Leno
"Bad times over at CBS news. They are getting a ton of heat over these phony documents that allege President Bush loafed through the National Guard. Turns out they weren’t even really documents – just photocopies from a Kinko’s in Texas. Very embarrassing for CBS News. This is a network that has three CSIs, and nobody investigated this?" --Jimmy Kimmel
"There are rumors that Dan Rather could lose his job over this. Wouldn't that be ironic? Another American losing his job due to President Bush!" --Jay Leno
"Ralph Nader's campaign officials say that he is on the ballot in 29 states. Twenty-nine states. Thirty-one states if you count hopelessness and delusion." --Jay Leno
"Saddam Hussein is depressed but defiant and still claims that he's the Constitutionally elected president of his country. So basically, he's the Iraqi Al Gore." --Jay Leno

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