De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, september 26, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Republicans are now saying that Dan Rather should lose his job because he misled the country with bogus information. Which is odd because the Democrats are saying the exact same thing about President Bush." --Jay Leno
"John Kerry will debate President Bush in Florida. Right now Kerry has a bad cold, you can barely understand what he's saying, so it looks like it should be a fair fight. In fact his voice is so bad, doctors have advised him to rest his throat and only give one position on each issue for awhile." --Jay Leno
"They've scheduled the presidential debates. It'll be John Kerry and George Bush. There's going to be three debates. And there's going to be categories. Each debate will have a separate category. First category is domestic policy. Second category is foreign policy. The third category will be girl groups from the '60s." --David Letterman
"The new rule for the debate this year: candidates can't touch each other. ... This is the result of a last series of debates where Al Gore tried to get George Bush to dirty dance." --David Letterman
"John Kerry says if he's elected president, he will go to the U.N. and persuade the other nations to help fight the war on terror. We can't get them to pay their parking tickets. Why don't you start with that?" --Jay Leno

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