De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, oktober 10, 2004
De mening van drie kranten
Boston Globe:
"By far the most striking aspect of this Missouri debate was Bush's clear determination to make up for his lackluster performance last week in Florida. At one point Bush overtalked moderator Charles Gibson to insist -- with anger that seemed like it might have been rehearsed -- that he was not "going it alone" in Iraq. The more aggressive performance had an odd reverse resonance with Al Gore's first two debates against Bush in 2000, when Gore came on too strong in the first debate and overcorrected in the second."
"Kerry talked time and again of the plans he has for his administration, since as the challenger, he can only offer his vision. Bush's appeal for trust was based on the harder evidence of his performance, but he can't seem to tell -- or won't tell -- when things are going poorly."

New York Times:
"Both men seemed overly defensive at times, as if they were fighting shadow opponents that were not even in the hall."
"Mr. Kerry demonstrated, at the very minimum, a stature that was equal to the president's. If Mr. Bush was hoping to recover all the ground he lost last week, he failed in his mission.
The president seemed to fall back frequently on name-calling, denouncing his opponent as a liberal and a tool of the trial lawyers. "The president's just trying to scare," Mr. Kerry said. It will be another few weeks before we see how well that works."

Washington Post:
"The questions were often better than the answers."
"Mr. Bush described himself as a "good steward of the land," but his description did not match his record of opening federal lands to oil and gas exploration, retreating from action on climate change and weakening regulation on clean air."
"The toughest questions, about the looming costs of Social Security and, even more, of Medicare, were left unasked, and deserve some rigorous examination next week."

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