"The most amazing part of the debate was when Dick Cheney told John Edwards in his Darth Vader voice, 'John I am your father.'" --Jay Leno "Good news for John Edwards. If he doesn't win in November, he now has a firm offer to be the new host of the 'Family Feud.'" --David Letterman
"Here's my question, if Cheney is debating tonight who's running the country?" --Jay Leno
"Dick Cheney did well -- he only flat-lined twice." --David Letterman
"There was one awkward moment ... when moderator Gwen Ifill ... was hit on by Dick Cheney's daughter." --David Letterman
"Speaking of Cheney in a recent interview, an author who's writing a book about Cheney says that Dick Cheney is misunderstood and is not a monster. Then the author admitted, Cheney told me if I didn't say that, he would eat my children." --Conan O'Brien
gepubliceerd door Marc op donderdag, oktober 07, 2004 #