De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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vrijdag, oktober 08, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"During the debate, John Edwards accused Dick Cheney of 'not being straight with the American people.' Apparently Cheney misunderstood because he started yelling, 'Who you calling gay?' And then they kissed for half an hour." --Conan O'Brien
"There were four reporters in the audience for every person. Not only that but there were also four paramedics for every Dick Cheney." --Conan O'Brien
"The evening ended badly for Edwards. Right afterwards, he was roughed up in the parking lot by Cheney's lesbian daughter." --David Letterman
"Last night they held the vice presidential debate between Dick Cheney and John Edwards – the CEO versus the trial lawyer. Or, as I like to call it, 'Shark Tale.'" --Jay Leno
"Did you see Cheney next to Edwards? Didn't it look like the before and after pictures on 'Extreme Makeover'?" --Jay Leno
"New Rule: Florida has to sit this election out. You know, you'd think after the year 2000, they would have made sure to get it right this time. But, no, even Jimmy Carter – a man who has seen more Third World hellholes than a lesbian couple trying to adopt – even he says Florida is not ready for an election. So, sorry, Florida, you're going to have to take that Tuesday off and just treat yourself to an extra hurricane. " --Bill Maher

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