De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zaterdag, oktober 09, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"If you watched the debates the other night, you know Cheney claimed that was the first he'd ever met Edwards which turns out was not true. They'd actually met on three other occasions, once at a prayer breakfast, once on 'Meet the Press,' and one crazy night at a motel in Encino." --Jay Leno
"This is what his handlers have advised him to do after the first debate last week: George W. Bush's challenge now will be to stretch four and a half minutes of meaningless platitudes into an hour and a half. That's his challenge." --David Letterman
"(Friday's) debate in St. Louis will be before an audience made up entirely of undecided voters. That creates a huge dilemma for Kerry. Does he stand on stage beside Bush or sit in the audience with all the other people who can't make up their minds?" --Jay Leno
"Here's something interesting, a group of porn stars has made a DVD called 'Porn Stars for Kerry' and they've made a porno movie to raise money for him. Lets just hope this one doesn't feature Michael Moore." --Jay Leno
"You know what's happening in Afghanistan? It's their first free election. Now this is a big thing. However they are expecting voter fraud. They're expecting disruption at the polls and intimidation of voters. So I guess the American style of democracy is really catching on over there." --David Letterman

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