"We finally have a scandal in this election: lesbogate. Bob Schieffer asked a question about is homosexuality a choice, and Kerry mention Cheney's daughter. The Cheneys are now furious at him. Lynne Cheney says he's a 'bad man.' See, once again, John Kerry hurts people's feelings." –Bill Maher "They say they are very proud of her daughter. They say they are so proud, she should never ever be mentioned in public." –Bill Maher
"Dick Cheney wouldn't even confirm that she's gay. She just says that she touches her roommate in an undisclosed location." –Bill Maher
"Dick Cheney feels responsible for his daughter being a lesbian because growing up, she heard him say 'go f--k yourself' so many times, she finally tried it." –Bill Maher
"We still don't know what the deal is what that thing in Bush's back, but I tell you, if God has a sense of humor, it is something that can only be cured with stem cell research." –Bill Maher, over de bobbel onder het jasje van Bush tijdens de debatten
gepubliceerd door Marc op dinsdag, oktober 19, 2004 #