De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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donderdag, oktober 21, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno":
"Candidates are using a lot of boxing metaphors. President Bush kept quoting boxer Joe Louis 'You can run but you can't hide.' John Kerry quoted Muhammad Ali, 'Is that all you got?' And today Ralph Nader quoted Mike Tyson, 'I'm broke.'"
"Now they say the campaigns are going to get even more negative. Is that possible? One side is calling the president 'a complete idiot.' The other side is calling a war hero with a chest full of medals from Vietnam a 'coward.' How do you get more negative than that?"
"The rumor is that it'll be like the last time. Kerry will win the popular vote and Bush will win the electoral votes. And they say Americans could spend weeks not knowing who's really president, Bush or Kerry. Hey, is that so bad? We spent the last four years not really knowing who's president, Bush or Cheney."
"Well today is October 19th, which means there are only 15 voting days left in Florida. Have you heard Florida's new slogan? 'Hey, let's screw this one up early.'"
"Ralph Nader said he has no intention of leaving the presidential race. It's not so much he wants to stay in the race. It's just that he has nowhere else to go."
"Over the weekend, President Bush told a crowd of supporters in Florida that he is the best protection from the draft. That's not true. Bush's dad was the protection from the draft."
"I always love when politicians try to be all things to all people. This week, John Kerry bought a hunting license in Ohio to appeal to gun owners and hunters. Then he went to a Catholic Mass to appeal to Catholics. He also campaigned in Appalachia. He told the crowd that his wife Teresa was his first cousin."

"Late Show with David Letterman":
"Because of the flu vaccine shortage, President Bush says he will not get a flu shot. And Kerry says that he'll just get an extra shot of Botox."
"They're doing the early voting in Florida and there are already irregularities in the early Florida voting. You know it's sad when the voting goes smoother in Afghanistan than it does in Florida."
"But down in Florida in the early voting, there were computer glitches, confusing ballots, long lines and chaos. And when President Bush heard about this, he said, 'Mission accomplished!'"

"Late Night with Conan O'Brien":
"John Kerry is being accused of using bad grammar to appeal to uneducated voters because yesterday he stopped in a store and asked, 'Can I get me a hunting license here?' After hearing about it President Bush said, 'It should be 'Can me get me a hunting license here?'"
"California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says that after he gave a speech at the Republican Convention, his wife, Maria Shriver, was so mad, she wouldn't have sex with him for 14 days. Schwarzenegger said things got so bad he had to call up Bill O'Reilly."

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