De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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dinsdag, oktober 26, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Have you seen the new Bush ad? It's wolves in a forest. I guess those are the terrorists. Karl Rove said the point of the ad is to make you s**t your pants, but in an optimistic way." --Bill Maher
"John Kerry is out on the trail with Christopher Reeve's wife, Dana, who said that if her husband had been president on 9/11 and had been told the country was under attack, even he would have gotten up." --Bill Maher
"This week, Kerry went goose hunting. He wants to prove that he still has it in him to kill things. Kerry said he doesn't have a problem with hunting -- the hard part is bringing the subject around to Dick Cheney's gay kids." --Bill Maher
"First Lady Laura Bush said Tuesday that if her husband is elected to a second term she would like to help juvenile delinquents with substance abuses problems. When asked how she would do that she replied, 'Just as I always have. By marrying them and bearing their children.'" --Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"
"Election offices opened across Florida last Monday to give black voters the option of being turned away early." --Amy Poehler, Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"
"They've already started voting down in Florida. The election is three weeks away, and this gives them an extra two weeks to rig the results. ... They started counting the ballots, I thought this was bizarre, Bush has a slight lead over Gore. And now this brings us back to square one." --David Letterman
"You know what the Red Sox proved. They proved that the team with the most money doesn't alway win, which is bad news for the Republicans." --Jay Leno
"Look at Massachusetts: they got the Red Sox winning the pennant, the Patriots winning the Super bowl, they got John Kerry. Okay -- two out of three." --Jay Leno

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