De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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vrijdag, oktober 29, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Our Election 2004 Fiasco Preview begins where the fiasco began last time: Florida. While The Sunshine State's 2000 debacle gave all of America 36 days of breezy, lighthearted fun, there were negative aspects as well, and the state has been warned by God four times this hurricane season alone to never let it happen again." --Jon Stewart
"Might I point out, this is the same Senator Kerry who voted against the president's tax cuts. Now he wants to tell you he's for explosives not being stolen from weapons depots. Which is it, Senator, you can't have it both ways?" --"Daily Show" correspondent Stephen Colbert
"If Bush loses, do you think he'll leave? Or do you think he'll just say, 'I don't read the papers'?" --Jon Stewart

© Marc van Gestel 2003 - 2004