De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, oktober 24, 2004
Washington Post steunt Kerry
De hoofdredactie van de Washington Post, een van de belangrijkste kranten van de Verenigde Staten, en qua politieke kleur in het midden van het spectrum, steunt John Kerry dit jaar als presidentskandidaat. Het was geen eenvoudige keuze (dat klinkt haast als de Idols-jury) maar de afkeur voor de afgelopen vier jaar Bush-beleid is te groot:
"As readers of this page know, we find much to criticize in Mr. Bush's term but also more than a few things to admire. We find much to admire in Mr. Kerry's life of service, knowledge of the world and positions on a range of issues -- but also some things that give us pause. On balance, though, we believe Mr. Kerry, with his promise of resoluteness tempered by wisdom and open-mindedness, has staked a stronger claim on the nation's trust to lead for the next four years."
"We do not view a vote for Mr. Kerry as a vote without risks. But the risks on the other side are well known, and the strengths Mr. Kerry brings are considerable. He pledges both to fight in Iraq and to reach out to allies; to hunt down terrorists, and to engage without arrogance the Islamic world. These are the right goals, and we think Mr. Kerry is the better bet to achieve them."

Verder kreeg Kerry nog endorsements van onder andere de Des Moines Register (de grootste krant van Iowa) en de Chicago Sun-Times (Illinois).
Ook president Bush kreeg steun van kranten, zoals de Houston Chronicle (Texas) en de Denver Post (Colorado). De Houston Chronicle motiveert zijn keuze zo: "Like many people, Bush finds it difficult to admit a mistake, particularly when under attack on all sides. However, history is replete with instances in which imperfect but confident national leaders proved preferable to cautious, indecisive ones."

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