De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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dinsdag, november 09, 2004
Einstein Rove
Karl Rove is erg blij met zichzelf. En met zijn briljant uitgedachte tactiek. Maar het vrolijkst wordt h ij van het feit dat zijn tactiek alle boerenwijsheden van de politiek omver heeft gehaald. In een interview met Fox News zei hij: "Think about all the conventional wisdom that lost. The bigger the turnout, the better Democrats will do -- big turnout, huge turnout, Bush wins. Late deciders are going to break against the incumbent and vote for the challenger -- didn't happen. They went for this president two-to-one. Undecided voters are going to break against this president, the incumbent, and go for the challenger -- didn't happen. Younger voters are going to turn out in record numbers and are going to oppose this president -- they turned out (in the) same percentage in the electorate that they were four years ago and this president barely lost them. And then, Democrats are going to enjoy a huge advantage among women voters this year -- that advantage shrunk down to ... less than four percent."
En hij heeft helemaal gelijk. In ieder geval voor dit jaar.

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