De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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donderdag, november 04, 2004
Lachen om het circus (mosterd na de maaltijd)
"The polls now show the two candidates in a dead heat. In case of a tie, the presidency, of course, goes to the guy whose brother is the governor of Florida." --David Letterman
"I think tomorrow's election is going to be very exciting. Here what's going on at the White House? Every time a state is called for Bush the twins will do a shot" --David Letterman
"As cities burn around the country, people furious that the Electoral College has once again – I'm sorry, I'm reading Wednesday's headlines." –Jon Stewart (op dinsdag)
"President Bush told an Ohio reporter that he is unfazed that Osama Bin Laden has not been caught. He said it's only a matter of time till Osama Bin Laden is caught. Well it better be in the next hour or he is gonna be screwed." --Jay Leno
"The Red Sox have broken their curse after 86 years. That means the only one now not wining after 86 years is Ralph Nader." --Jay Leno
"If you want to have gay sex or visit a library, it's probably your last night to do those things … Personally I'll be killing two birds with one stone." --"Daily Show" correspondent Ed Helms, on the Bush mandate
"The president is focusing on his agenda for the next three years. One: finishing the war in Iraq. Two: starting the war in three other places." --Ed Helms
"No word yet on what Daschle will do in private life, but insiders agree, whatever it is, it's safe to assume he'll be ineffective." --Jon Stewart
"It is right now 10:04 on the East Coast. We are here at Prelude to a Recount. We are seeing record turnout across the nation on this election day, certainly a momentous occasion. The closest election that we have seen in ... about 4 years quite frankly. It's pretty much the same thing as last time. ... Except this time the world is watching, and, quite frankly, in Iraq tonight they're going, you invaded us to bring us this?" --Jon Stewart

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