De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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zondag, november 14, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Yasser Arafat is now dead. Damn, just when the peace process was going so well." --David Letterman
"Yasser Arafat died last night. And this time it looks pretty permanent. How many times did he die this week? Like five? Six? He was turning into Kenny on 'South Park.'" --Jay Leno
"Many world leaders called Mrs. Arafat to offer their condolences. For example, Vladimir Putin called, Tony Blair called ... and Bill O’Reilly called to see what she was wearing." --David Letterman
"Arafat’s wife was seen grieving today in the West Bank. She was also in the Citibank, the Mellon Bank, the Wells Fargo Bank." --Jay Leno
"President Bush said today that the United States would be more than willing to help the Palestinians establish their own state ... as long as it’s red. As long as it’s a red state." --Jay Leno
"I tell you, first Ashcroft retires, now Arafat dies. This has not been a good week for religious radicals." --Jay Leno
"Here’s some good news. It looks like we’re making quick progress over there in Iraq: Today in Fallujah, they banned gay marriage." --Jay Leno
"Fallujah is 70 percent under control. To put that into perspective, L.A. is only 60 percent." --Jay Leno

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