De Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2004

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donderdag, november 18, 2004
Lachen om het circus
"Condoleezza Rice brings an impressive resume to her new job. The granddaughter of a cotton farmer, the former provost of Stanford University, she is fluent in four languages, an accomplished classical pianist, and even an expert figure skater. Wow, it seems like the only thing she can't do is make peace with other nations." --Jon Stewart
"As the New York Times noted, Rice is the president's closest adviser on foreign policy matters, so close in fact she can even sometimes finish his sentences -- which makes one of them." --Jon Stewart
"This Thursday Bill Clinton will dedicate his new presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas. They say the Clinton Library will attract more than 300,000 visitors a year. One of the most popular attractions ... you'll be able to ride the mechanical intern." --Jay Leno
"Colin Powell and three others resigned today. President Bush said that this proves that he’s winning the war on his own staff." --David Letterman
"Secretary of State Colin Powell has submitted his letter of resignation. Actually, he submitted it six months ago, but Bush didn’t get around to reading it until today." --Jay Leno
"There was a scary moment over the weekend when Dick Cheney was rushed to the hospital for heart problems. Don’t kid yourself, this is serious. Cheney has had four heart attacks ... and for a few minutes Bush was actually in charge." --David Letterman
"Kind of a scare this weekend. Vice President Dick Cheney went to the hospital after experiencing shortness of breath. I guess he panicked when he saw the price of oil going down." --Jay Leno

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